As of the last month.....
Well, we got through our first holiday season over here and survived. I think it was harder than either of us wanted to admit. Only 2 more to go though! Things definitely aren't very exciting at the moment over here as they were in the beginning. We both have been working throughout the whole month, with a few long weekends because of holidays. I had another job interview a couple of weeks ago. I didn't get the position, which was fine with me, it just didn't feel right. I have still been substituting as the Japanese Culture teacher though. They finally hired someone new for the job and she will be starting at the beginning of February, so I will only be working in that class for 3 more school days. I am both excited about that and a little sad. I have been in there for almost 2 months now, and now I'm just leaving it. I am hoping to be working most days once this job is up though. I am also trying to scout out for a job next year. I would like to stay at the school I am subbing at now because I like the atmosphere and the people there, but there is also a school 5 minutes away from our house that I would like to check out.
The weather here has been "cold" for Okinawa. Sometimes it dips into the 40's at night, and during the day it is in the 50's or 60's. I was quite jealous hearing about all the snow back home, but the only consolation I have is that I will have a full spring break!! We found out at the beginning of January that they don't turn the heat on in base housing over here. That was a rude and cold awakening. And the store was all sold out of heaters, so we ordered one from Lowe's at the beginning of the month and have yet to receive it. So on really cold nights, I just turn on the oven and stay in the kitchen till I am warm again. I keep saying that I am sure our heater will finally show up with the weather starts getting warmer, which I have heard that around now the temperatures start climbing back up again. And apparently the rainy season is in the early months of the year as well. That, I am not looking forward to. Who likes rain that much??
Another thing I always mean to blog about is the driving here. I think I am used to it, and it is basically second nature to me now. It is very different though. The highest speed limit here is 80 km, and that is on the expressway which I have only been on a couple of times. On the other roads, the speed limit usually is around 50-60 km. KM's of course are "slower" than mph, so I might be driving really slow when I get back to the states. There is always traffic out here too. Since there are so many people in such a small space, there are tons of people it seems always driving. A popular vehicle to ride here is a moped. Mopeds do a thing called "white lining" which is like it says, riding the white line. They squeeze in between cars, and when we are all stopped up, they can just keep on trucking. So while in the states, they are a silly and slow thing to drive, they are very popular and sensible here. When driving, you have to learn how to weave in and out pretty well....or I did anyways :) I have also found that it doesn't matter if you get stuck behind a regular car or a dump truck, both lanes will get you there in the same amount of time. I think I mentioned this in one of my first blogs, but when it is raining, it is the worst time to be out driving. The roads are made of coral partially, therefore when it rains, they get extremely slippery and you have to be extra careful when driving.
Another thing that keeps me very busy over here is Piston. He is now about 3.5 months old and crazy as ever. He is a jealous dog, he doesn't like it when I am on the computer, he comes to push my arm off the mouse and he doesn't like it when me and Brian are talking and not paying attention to him. I have taught him a few tricks, such as sitting, shaking his paw, and my newest trick is for him to jump or stand up. He basically has the potty training down, unless we don't pay attention to his "signs."
I believe I have covered all that needs to be covered for now....enjoy!!
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